We completed a joint construction.
They had a rubric.
They had an exemplar.
They referred to the rubric during the entire process.
So what went wrong?
Today my 6th graders proudly hung their posters for assessment and viewing. The assignment was to research a particular arctic animal and report on the adaptations that animal has to its habitat.
I hear my colleague's voice loud in clear in my head, “Now remember, your adaptations have to link directly to the habitat you have described—how does that specific adaptation help your animal to survive in its habitat?”
We have done this project together before.
We’ve refined it.
It seemed perfect.
So what went wrong?
I saw students checking off the items from the rubric.
I consulted with them.
The co-teacher and I both viewed their words before the printer was engaged.
So what went wrong?
The posters are a disaster.
Not one student fully grasped the concept of connecting the adaptations to the habitat and that was the main point of this project!
So now the conundrum: Do I have them redo it?
I should.
Mastery ought to be the expectation.
But the time it will take.
It’s like pulling teeth.
It’s probably worth it.
So back to the drawing board.
Revisit the standards. Rework the rubric.
It’s worth it. I think. I hope.